Always Know What Your Online Customers Want

May. 2 2022 Dealership Tips By Dealer Spike

When a prospect walks through the doors of your dealership, you learn very quickly what kind of unit they want.

A member of your team can ask what brings them in today or take a moment to observe their behavior and see which units they gravitate toward. 

Maybe that prospect heads right for the parts and accessories section, making it obvious that they’re not shopping for a unit at all. The signs are obvious and almost immediate when you’re dealing with in-store customers. 

Unfortunately, gauging prospects’ interests is not so straightforward when they’re browsing your website. You can’t see who your website visitors are, what unit or parts listings they’re looking at or what their ultimate goal is – unless you’re utilizing an automated email marketing tool. 

How Automated Email Marketing Works

Automated email marketing makes it possible to capture customer interests by tracking their actions on your website. By integrating with your website platform, an automated email marketing tool creates a track record of every lead and their browsing behavior. This gives you insight on a) who’s visiting your website, b) what they’re looking for and c) how intent they are on making a purchase. If a lead visits your Yamaha boat page multiple times and clicks on several different listings, it’s clear they’re in the market for a Yamaha craft. 

If this prospect submits a lead form, the automated email marketing tool can use their contact information to send promo emails tailored to the units they’ve browsed. This is key, as it wouldn’t make sense to email prospects about other types of units or general sales info when they’re clearly demonstrated their interests. 

Automating the Sales Outreach Process

Automated email marketing gauges buyer intent by tracking how often a lead visits one or more unit listings. If a lead has viewed a unit multiple times, they’re pretty serious about making a purchase, and it’s important to get in touch with them quickly to keep their interest. Without stretching your sales team thin trying to engage every lead, automated email marketing sends out a promo to encourage that lead to connect with your team and move forward with a purchase. Leads can also receive relevant follow-up emails notifying them of similar unit arrivals and sales on accessories and parts upgrades.

Optimizing Traditional Sales Outreach

Automated email marketing also provides lead scoring to help your sales team prioritize the most qualified prospects. The analytics tool allows your team to identify which leads are performing high-value actions (such as submitting a lead form, clicking on specific call-to-action buttons or visiting the same listing multiple times) that often convert to a sale. Through lead-scoring, your sales team can determine which leads are “hot” and merit a traditional email or phone call. 

The ability to rank leads based on their intent to buy combined with automated emails that land in their inboxes at optimal times creates amazing potential to get in front of shoppers and convince them to make a purchase. For the shopper, it’s as if your dealership has read their mind by delivering information on the unit(s) they are in the market for before your team even connects with them personally. 

Automated email marketing creates a very personalized shopping experience that is unique to each lead and guides them through the steps to making a sale. It’s the perfect digital tool to bridge the gap between a lead’s initial browsing experience and visiting the dealership to make the final purchase.

Get more information on automated email marketing tools – connect with Dealer Spike today!