Cover All Your Bases with Targeted Digital Advertising

Feb. 19 2019 Dealership Tips By Dealer Spike

The four separate digital marketing strategies within Dealer Spike’s new Targeted Digital Advertising packages serve very different purposes. Each piece of the puzzle solves a dilemma for dealers who only utilize Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), and Marketing Automation services, which all have limitations when it comes to digital reach. While each strategy within Targeted Digital Advertising plays its own role, the four complement each other in a way that is all-encompassing.  

While SEO and SEM focus on a website’s performance on search engines, there is a vast wealth of online real estate that exists outside of these platforms. And although Marketing Automation is an amazing tool to track lead actions and interests based on what consumers do on your website, there are many online prospects for your dealership who simply haven’t visited your website yet. It’s important to take digital marketing strategy beyond the search engine and away from your website only. Targeted Digital Advertising opens a new world of digital marketing opportunity that is not even limited to a prospect’s online activity.

Website Retargeting and Behavioral Targeting take the guesswork out of an online user’s intention to purchase the units that your dealership sells. After someone visits your website and becomes a “target,” Website Retargeting continues to serve them with digital ads reminding them to come back to your site and the purchase they were considering. With Behavioral Targeting, online users don’t even need to visit your website first to become a target. This strategy tracks online users reading content and using keywords in searches on other websites that matches the content on your website. The behavior that online users display elsewhere online indicates their likelihood to be a prospect for your business.

But it’s important to remember that, despite how much time people spend online, that isn’t where they spend all their time. Geofence Targeting offers a smart compromise between what a person does in “real life” as well as on the internet. This strategy allows you to advertise digitally to people who visit geofenced locations that you have selected. Whether that location is a popular local restaurant or shopping center, a neighborhood where you believe prospects for your dealership may live, or even the competing dealership across town, Geofence Targeting serves ads to people visiting that location through the GPS-enabled data on mobile devices. The prospect’s in-person action is connected to an online experience. For example, if a prospect was visiting your local competitor and received an ad for your dealership, they may choose to abandon that in-store visit and go to your dealership to make their purchase instead.

We also can’t forget about the type of content that people are consuming online. They aren’t just visiting websites – people also stream video online. Rather than using traditional advertising methods such as TV commercials, Video & OTT/CTV Advertising allows you to digitally advertise to people streaming video content through devices like Google TV, Roku, Xbox, and more. Long gone are the days that people pay close attention to TV commercials - there are too many convenient options for accessing content online. Video & OTT/CTV Advertising provides a way to continue to reach those consumers.

The four elements of Targeted Digital Advertising, especially when used in conjunction with SEO and SEM as well as Marketing Automation, allow you to cover all your bases when it comes to your digital strategy. It ensures that no matter where your prospects go online (or offline!), the potential is still there to reach them.