Promoting Campaigns on your Website, Social Media and E-Newsletters

Sep. 26 2017 Dealership Tips By Dealer Spike

If you want to launch a successful marketing campaign, it's important to have a strategy in place. The most effective strategies begin with a specific goal in mind. That goal could be anything from promoting a big sale to raising awareness of your brand and your dealership. 

It's smart to spread your campaign to multiple different marketing platforms for larger reach. For example - Add a banner that displays details about your dealership's upcoming event on the home page of your website, post about it on social media, and send out an e-newsletter to your customers and prospects. With a plan in place, you can measure the success of your campaign and track it as you go. If you want to increase attendance at the event, set a goal number of attendees and ask each attendee to state how they heard about the event at sign-in. Keep track of which marketing tactic brought the most attendees to your event. If you don't reach your goal number of attendees, re-convene for your next event and adjust those marketing tactics as needed. 

If you want to promote a big sale coming up, spread the word about it beforehand for awareness.  Send an e-newsletter the week before your big sale to ensure your customers can make plans to come in. Promoting it on social media with a countdown can help to excite your followers. Including a link to your website is best practice for all campaigns- make sure to include a clickable banner on your website home page. Promoting your sale over multiple channels will only increase your chances of success.

On-site promotion of your latest campaign is essential. Make it known! It'll be the first thing your visitors see when they visit your website. On social media, there are tons of different ways to promote your campaigns. Inform your followers about a sales promotion early- give them an advantage for following you. Contests and giveaways are a great way to drive engagement from your followers. For example, in promoting a sales event at your dealership - "Who's coming to our dealership on Saturday? "Like" and comment on this post and enroll to win a $100 gift card!" Only your social media followers will have access to these kinds of prizes and perks, encouraging more customers to follow you in the future.

Diversifying your marketing strategy and promoting campaigns on your website, social media, and through e-newsletters is a good way to get your voice heard. They each serve a different purpose and reach a different type of audiences, helping you cover all your bases. The key to success is utilizing multiple channels to increase reach and spread your message.