Reaching prospective customers digitally is a big priority in today’s world. People are constantly plugged into online platforms, whether that means they are sitting at desktop computers or simply have a smartphone in their pocket. It’s much easier to advertise to dealership prospects with a search engine or social media ad than through a TV commercial or billboard – not only are digital marketing efforts more cost-effective, but consumers’ eyes just aren’t focused on traditional platforms like they were in the past.

However, it’s important to remember that people do still make purchase-related decisions in-person. Someone who is interested in buying a trailer may conduct research online, choose a dealership online, and even find the exact unit they want on the dealership’s website. But they are most likely going to want to see the trailer in person before spending thousands of dollars on it.

Geofence Targeting provides a way to merge digital marketing strategy and in-person marketing strategy. This is a unique tool that gives your dealership a major competitive advantage. It allows your business to select any location to geofence – which means to draw a digital border around it. You can then target ads for your dealership to any person who enters that geofenced location and uses a mobile device to go online. With some providers, the ads aren’t limited to the time that those people spend in the geofenced location – you can continue to target them for up to thirty days post-visit. This gives your dealership a huge window of opportunity to reach visitors from your selected locations.

The places that you choose to geofence should be selected with strategy in mind. As a local business, there are restaurants, shopping centers, and other local attractions that are popular among your customers and community. As a trailer dealership specifically, there are event centers and industry-related locations that prospects would be likely to visit. And there are definitely other competing dealerships taking business that could be yours – these are the most advantageous places to target.

Imagine that a customer has walked into your local competing dealership and is looking into buying a trailer that you also sell. He or she is very likely to take out their phone during their visit or shortly after. What if they were then presented with an ad for your dealership? That ad might even promote a sale or special on the particular trailer or trailer type that the customer was looking at. The goal, of course, would be to entice that customer and bring them into your dealership instead. This real-time advertising strategy gives your business the best possible chance of earning that sale over your competitor.

As much time as people do conduct online, it’s crucial not to lose touch with those in-person experiences that still take place, especially when it comes to a big-ticket item like a trailer. Geofence Targeting gives your dealership a powerful opportunity to reach customers digitally based on their in-person actions – the best of both worlds.