Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) are highly effective tools that can drive impressive results for your dealership website, especially when implemented together. However, these are not simple tools and they require consistent monitoring and adjusting to perform their best. Here are three myths you may have heard about SEO and SEM, and why they are not true:

  1. Implementing SEO and SEM will instantly put my website at the top of search engine results. 

  • While a pay-per-click (PPC) or SEM campaign can quickly place paid ads for your website at the top, only SEO content can bring your site up in organic search results. Building quality content that will attract search engines takes time, but it’s the only way to increase your organic search ranking. The keywords on your site, ease of navigation for the end user, and proper formatting of your website structure all contribute to this, and it can take months to earn the credibility to be favored by search engines. However, the time and effort will be well worth it when you see an ad for your dealership at the top of a search results page, with your organic search engine listing right below it.

  1. Adding as much content to my site as possible will make it rank higher. 

  • Sometimes called “keyword stuffing,” this method will do your website far more harm than good. Search engines are smart – they can recognize what is and is not high-quality content that provides value for the user. Repetitive and irrelevant keywords will earn penalties for your site. And, there is also user experience to consider – if website visitors can’t find the information they need or otherwise have a negative experience on your site, they will be quick to abandon it. Search engines also take your website’s average dwell time  into consideration when ranking, so providing both a positive experience and useful content is the best way to go.

  1. The right Adwords provider will know how to beat search engine algorithms. 

  • In reality, algorithms are constantly changing and there is no way to know what will happen next. The right Adwords provider will be truly knowledgeable in the space and will be committed to staying educated and on top of industry trends. In addition, these are not “set it and forget it” tools – they require a lot of maintenance. Best practices and standards change with time, and a good Adwords provider is willing to put in the work to keep up with these changes.  

SEO and SEM are complementary techniques. While SEM/PPC ads help to increase brand awareness and secure visibility of your website, SEO gives your site credibility and shows prospects that your brand can be trusted. While both strategies require time and effort, they are powerful tools that are stronger together than apart.