While marketing online is a straightforward concept – showing dealership inventory and products to customers, typically via your dealership website – remarketing is essentially just what it sounds like: finding opportunities to show off that inventory again. Remarketing allows businesses to advertise to those who have previously visited their website. These ads serve as reminders to online visitors who clearly expressed an interest in your dealership by visiting your website but didn’t follow through with submitting a lead. This may have been due to distraction, hesitation, a need for additional information, or a number of other factors, but the goal of the remarketing ad is to bring them back.

Dynamic Remarketing takes this strategy to another level – it allows your dealership to show ads for specific units or products that online visitors viewed while they were visiting your website. This highly targeted approach re-engages prospective customers and encourages them to finish what they started. Dynamic Remarketing ads are tailored to prospects on an individual level, and shows them units of inventory that they have already chosen to view on their own. Because of this individualized marketing method, Dynamic Remarketing ads have a much higher click-through rate than typical display ads.

These ads work in tandem with regular search ads to catch those prospects who are most likely to submit a lead. If a prospect is actively researching and intending to purchase a unit like yours, a Dynamic Remarketing ad is exactly what they may need to draw them back to your dealership instead of a competitor. Dynamic Remarketing ads are highly effective because many people are forgetful by nature, and they often don’t make decisions right away – especially decisions that involve spending large amounts of money. People likely need to see your unit and be reminded of it, multiple times, before deciding to submit a lead or visit your store.

Imagine the number of times a prospect first became interested in purchasing a unit from your dealership by browsing your website but made later purchased from a competitor due to forgetfulness, convenience, or perhaps even better advertising on the competitor’s behalf. Dynamic Remarketing decreases the likelihood of this type of loss and increases the chance of higher sales for your dealership.